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When exactly did you become interested in computer science and programming? Why these subjects?

At first, I really liked mathematics. I loved solving logical problems since childhood. My parents noticed this very quickly, so I started to progress in math more in primary school, and later my dad started teaching me programming and computer science.

How did you find out about the olympiads in informatics? Do you remember your first olympiad?

Thanks to my dad and his students, I have been fascinated by the world of olympiad programming since childhood. I remember how in junior high school I took a picture with the medals brought by other students from international olympiads and dreamed that one day I would bring them too. I don't remember my first olympiad, it was really a long time ago, I was in the fourth grade.

How did you prepare for the olympiads, how long did it take? What was your training and purpose?

Usually, I'm preparing for the Olympics every day. After lessons at school, I, together with other students, were going to additional classes with Valentyn Ivanovych (ed. – olympiad programming coach from Kremenchuk). It was somewhere from 2 o'clock in the afternoon to 5-6 o'clock. In addition, there were various online olympiads that I wrote for training, and it also helped to learn to solve new problems. Also, the best training for me were trips to the camps. Usually, participants from our region gathered several times a year in the "Erudyt" camp, and we intensively prepared for 7–10 days. In addition, Valentyn Ivanovych also conducted and currently conducts summer and winter programming schools "Olympus", and this is also an incredible experience and a great opportunity to prepare. It seems to me that it was at schools, at the camp, where I learned the most new things, gain the knowledge from the graduates who took part in olympiad in informatics previously.

What is more important to you - participation or victory? How do you perceive defeats?

Of course, participation. However, I have always found defeat difficult, so victory was also important to me. First of all, I really liked and still like participating in the olympiads for the atmosphere, the opportunity to compete with others, and also to meet other like-minded people. But I also like to win.

Do you have your own success formula or motto?

I can say for sure that in order to achieve success, you need to work hard, learn and train.

Which competition was the most important and instructive for you? Why?

I can't say about the instructive, but the first international competition where I was part of the team representing Ukraine was very important for me. It was the European Junior Olympiad in Informatics, where I won the gold medal. I think that I will never forget the emotions of being awarded, and when you bring a gold medal from an International Olympiad to Ukraine.

Do you have a favorite type of problem that you immediately recognize and know exactly the solution to?

I can say with confidence that my favorite topic is DSDS (Disjoint-set data structure), I have always liked problems on this topic, and I always see when the problem is solved by this algorithm.

What tasks were the most interesting and at which olympiad?

It's hard to single out, I really like the IOI problems because there was always an opportunity to get different points for different solutions, and also because there were partial points problems where it was judged exactly how good a solution you came up with.

If you were offered to add one rule to the olympiads, what would it be?

It's hard to say, it seems to me that the rules of the olympiads are very well-thought-out and optimal at the moment.

What are you doing now: studying, working?

I recently received a bachelor's degree in computer science from Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. I also work as a Software Engineer at SingleStore.

Does the olympiad experience help in your work? How exactly?

Of course that helps. In my opinion, the most important skills from the olympiad experience are the ability to learn quickly, as well as to consider different ways of solving the same problem. I think that this is very important in work, much more important than knowledge of different algorithms.

Who do you see yourself as in the future, what position and where would you like to get it?

I would like to continue my career in programming, develop in this direction.

Have you ever wanted to stop programming? If so, what motivated you to continue?

Of course, it once was. I was always reminding myself, that I am going towards my goal and goal, and also that I get great pleasure from the taking part in olympiads, programming. It was very motivating.

Tell us about your coach, how exactly did he help you: only with training or with life advice?

My coach (and my dad by compatibility) always helped all his students with life advice in addition to studies. It is most valuable to see that students, after graduating from school many years ago, come to visit, call dad, share news in life, and so on. It definitely shows that the students appreciate the time and inspiration that the coach has put in, and I've always seen that in my dad's attitude towards his students.

How do you relax, do you have any hobbies besides programming?

I really like to relax in nature and spend time with friends, play board games. I also read books, draw or watch movies/series in my free time.

What would you advise students who are just starting to do programming?

Probably the best thing is to train a lot, solve training sets of problems, because they help to understand new topics, learn to solve different problems and find different approaches to them.

Three-time silver medalist of the International Olympiad in Informatics 2018- 2020.
The first girl in the Ukrainian national team at the International Olympiad in Informatics.
Gold medalist of the European Junior Olympiad in Informatics 2019.
Four-time gold medalist of the Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics.

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